Healing Journeys Hypnotherapy
Savarna Wiley, MA, CMT, CCHT
On-line sessions available
Please contact me if you have a interest in sponsoring a talk or workshop in your area.

Hospice Work.. End-of-Life studies...Hypnosis...Exploring the 'SoulScape" ..Hypnosis mentoring... Art Therapy- and the Power of Image.

Watch for summer time fun workshops at my new office!

Connecting with the Nature Spirits-
Creating Personal Prayer Flags

Living A Soul Centered Life  
March 6th 2018  6 pm
Monterey Library

Would you like to live with more awareness of 
your soul-self, your immortal nature? 
Can hypnosis help?

 Evidence of our consciousness existing before birth and continuing after death is all around us but often discounted. We are in a time that is calling for us to recognize this continuity more clearly. Near death experiences, pre-death visions and after death communications open a door to understanding. But coming to the end of life is not the only way to touch into this continuity. Pioneers of consciousness, such as Dr Michael Newton, found that deep states of hypnotic trance used in past life regression and in explorations of the life we live in between incarnations can also give a felt sense of ourselves as much more than the present body, mind and story that we are living. 
As a Hospice Chaplain and Life Between Lives Hypnotherapist, Savarna Wiley shares how knowing ourselves more deeply as soul can enrich our days, lead us to live with more love and compassion and help us to come to the end of this life more fulfilled.

Come for evening of exploration into the “soulscape” so that we may more fully know that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
The Next Chapter: Designing Your Ideal Life Program Series covers health and well-being, planning for the future, following ones spirit and other interesting topics for the second half of life. 

  This event is free but requires reservations. 
Please call to reserve your spot. 
Contact person: Sirie Thongchua 
Phone: (831) 646-5632 
Email address: thongchu@monterey.org 4/2015
Life Between Lives Practitioner Training

Due to covid restrictions we needed to postpone our in-person trainings but do look forward to resume in 2023/24. 

An update from the last US training in Baltimore, Maryland-

Avis and I  had an amazing training with students from 8 different countries joining us at beautiful Bon Secours Retreat Center.  Enriched by the experience of our week together we came away with even more appreciation for how LBL can transform a life!

Fellow instructor Avis Attaway and I as we prepared for our students.

Please see Become a Practitioner at 
https://www.newtoninstitute.org for more information on up-coming trainings.
Partners in Caring
The February  presentation is 
The Blessings and Challenges of Caregiving
Partners in Caring are quarterly luncheon meetings ( presently on-line) sponsored by Hospice of Santa Cruz County. When people face serious illness, aging, or death, they often turn to their faith and spiritual leaders for support and guidance. Through the Partners in Caring program, Hospice of Santa Cruz County offers information and education to help faith and spiritual leaders and their communities navigate these important topics. 

We offer programs such as:
Understanding the needs of the Dying
   Spiritual Care  
      Grief Support

 I really enjoy this project. Developing curriculum, presenting to groups and getting to know community faith leaders has been a 
privilege and a joy.

For more information feel free to call.
831 345-3849

hospice  end-of-life care  death and dying
Quantum Consciousness Experience

In April I joined  Pete Smith who is an author and creator of an amazing modality for exploring consciousness in offering a 3 day facilitator training in the Quantum Consciousness Experience. Please see link for details.  One of only a small number of  people in the US who are trained and certified in this method. I was  grateful for the opportunity to support this work, learn and help coach the new students.  

​More classes being formed for 2021- 2022
Please see 
Are you a dreamer?  You're not the only one!

International Society for the Study of Dreams presents...
Festival of Dreams- Santa Cruz  

I am happy to be a part of this conference. I will be drawing on my years as a Hospice Chaplain and presenting about the Dreams, Visions and Visitations of 
the Dying.

April 12-15 

You may also enjoy the amazing work of Dr Chris Kerr, an MD who is doing long rage studies on this subject.

Wisdom of Souls, the newest book from the Newton Institute was just published in Dec. 2019. It  captures the spiritual teachings that have come forward  from clients while in the deep trance states of Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy.  A big thank you to 3 of my clients whose stories are included in this offering.  

newton wisdom of souls
Want to further your skills in Hypnosis?? As an AllianceTrainer for The Newton Institute, and a teacher for the  Transpersonal Hypnotherapy School I have offered classes in Hypnosis in special subjects.   If you have an interest, please contact me.  I particularly enjoy offering  Hypnosis mentoring which is  available for individuals wanting to have support and feedback for a new or on-going practice.

Retreat at 1440 with Wendy de Rosa -May 2020

After studying with Wendy for some time I had the lovely opportunity to take part in a retreat with her in Costa Rica and then to assist her in a workshop at a beautiful retreat center near Santa Cruz called 1440. We planned to be together again  because of covid this has been canceled. 
Wendy teaches about intuition, how to use the gifts of being an empath and about energy medicine. See below for more information about Wendy and what she offers or check the web. Wendy offers many programs and you tube talks.

Yoga Retreat at Mount Madonna

It was 1975 when I first met my beautiful yoga teacher/mentor/friend, Baba Hari Dass, a silent monk dedicated to service and to the teaching of yoga who inspired Mount Madonna Center, an intentional community and retreat center. I regularly speak at our seasonal retreats and talks are archived.  If you have an interest please contact me. 
          Cultivating Spiritual Aim
          Turning to the Light/Resting in the Light
          The Gifts of Spiritual Community  
          Inner and Outer Pilgrimage   
See Mount Madonna Center for general retreat info and recordings.  

Living A Soul Centered Life
University of California,Santa Cruz  
​As part of a series of educational programs sponsored by UCSC, I spoke about creating a lens through which to view our lives from a soul perspective. Are you curious about soul groups, our  deeper contracts with one another? 

 Check out this audio Link here-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_JGX_vp3eQ